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30+ Common Greek Classroom Phrases


Being in a classroom with other students is a great opportunity to communicate in Greek and make friends with whom you can practice and improve together. It’s the perfect environment to test your skills, learn through trial and error, express yourself, help and be helped, and so many more. 

In this article, we will explore together more than 30 ready-to-use classroom phrases in Greek, which you can use to get the best out of every class you attend. From how to greet your teacher to explaining an unexpected absence and from understanding your teacher’s instructions to asking for clarifications.

For some of you, a few of these Greek words might sound familiar. But in any case, we highly recommend that you take notes and study these phrases in-depth if you want to master communication inside the classroom.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Greek Table of Contents
  1. Use Classroom Greetings
  2. Understand Instructions from the Teachers
  3. Ask for Clarifications from Teachers and Classmates
  4. Explain Absence and Tardiness
  5. Talk About Favorite Subjects
  6. Check for School Supplies
  7. Conclusion

1. Use Classroom Greetings

First things first, here are a couple of basic phrases in Greek used as Greek greetings, which you can use when you arrive. 

  • Greek: Καλημέρα!
  • Romanization: Kaliméra!
  • Translation: “Good morning!”
  • Greek: Καλησπέρα!
  • Romanization: Kalispéra!
  • Translation: “Good afternoon!”

So, basically, if the class is held in the morning, then you should say “Καλημέρα!”. But, if the class is held after 12 pm, then using “Καλησπέρα!” is recommended.  

Now, let’s take a look at what would be appropriate to say when you leave the class.

  • Greek: Καλό απόγευμα!
  • Romanization: Kaló apóyevma!
  • Translation: “Have a good afternoon!” 
  • Greek: Καλή συνέχεια!
  • Romanization: Kalí sinéhia!
  • Translation: “Good continuation!” 

This phrase might sound odd, but it’s very common. It’s like wishing the other person a good rest of the day.

And if you want to simply say “See you!”, then you can use either of the following.

  • Greek: Τα λέμε αύριο!
  • Romanization: Ta léme ávrio!
  • Translation: “Talk to you tomorrow!” 
  • Greek: Τα λέμε τη(ν) __________ !
  • Romanization: Ta léme tin ___________!
  • Translation: “Talk to you on ___________!” 

For the last phrase, you need to fill in the blank with the day of your choice in the accusative case. For example, you can say Τα λέμε τη Δευτέρα! (Ta léme ti Deftéra.) – “Talk to you on Monday!”. 

2. Understand Instructions from the Teachers

A Teacher Giving Instructions to a Group of Young Students

Understanding the instructions of your teacher is very important in order to collaborate and behave appropriately within the classroom. Below, you may find some of the most common Greek classroom phrases that are mostly used by teachers.

  • Greek: Παρακαλώ, ανοίξτε το βιβλίο σας στη σελίδα ______ .
  • Romanization: Parakaló, aníxte to vivlío sas sti selída ______.
  • Translation: “Please, open your book at page _______ .

For this phrase, you just need to fill in the blank with the number of the page

  • Greek: Ησυχία, παρακαλώ!
  • Romanization: Isihía, parakaló!
  • Translation: “Quiet, please!”
  • Greek: Δώστε προσοχή σε αυτό το κεφάλαιο.
  • Romanization: Dóste prosohí se aftó to kefáleo.
  • Translation: “Pay attention to this chapter.”
  • Greek: Ακούστε με προσεκτικά.
  • Romanization: Akúste me prosektiká.
  • Translation: “Listen to me carefully.”
  • Greek: Έχετε ερωτήσεις;
  • Romanization: Éhete erotísis?
  • Translation: “Do you have any questions?”

3. Ask for Clarifications from Teachers and Classmates

Students in the Classroom Writing on Their Notebooks

In this section, we will explore a few Greek classroom phrases for teachers and classmates in order to enhance your Greek vocabulary. In case you need clarification during the lesson, feel free to use either of the following. 

  • Greek: Δεν καταλαβαίνω.
  • Romanization: Den katalavéno.
  • Translation: “I don’t understand.”
  • Greek: Μπορείτε να το επαναλάβετε αυτό;
  • Romanization: Boríte na to epanalávete aftó?
  • Translation: “Could you repeat that please?”
  • Greek: Έχω ερωτήσεις.
  • Romanization: Ého erotísis.
  • Translation: “I have questions.”
  • Greek: Τι είπε ο δάσκαλος / η δασκάλα;
  • Romanization: Ti ípe o dáskalos / i daskála?
  • Translation: “What did the (male / female) teacher say?”
  • Greek: Μπορείτε να το εξηγήσετε ξανά αυτό, παρακαλώ;
  • Romanization: Boríte na to exiyísete xaná aftó, parakaló?
  • Translation: “Could you explain this again, please?”

However, if everything is clear, you can find a couple of appropriate Greek quotes below. 

  • Greek: Δεν έχω απορίες.
  • Romanization: Den ého aporíes.
  • Translation: “I don’t have questions.”
  • Greek: Κατάλαβα.
  • Romanization: Katálava.
  • Translation: “I understood.”
  • Greek: Όλα είναι ξεκάθαρα.
  • Romanization: Óla íne xekáthara.
  • Translation: “Everything is clear.”

4. Explain Absence and Tardiness

A Frustrated Girl in the Classroom Holding Her Head with Her Hands

We’ve all been there. Sometimes you might not feel well enough to attend the class. Don’t worry, though, we’ve got your back. Check out the following useful Greek classroom phrases.

  • Greek: Δεν αισθάνομαι καλά.
  • Romanization: Den esthánome kalá.
  • Translation: “I’m not feeling well.”
  • Greek: Δε θα μπορέσω να έρθω στο μάθημα σήμερα.
  • Romanization: De tha boréso na értho sto máthima símera.
  • Translation: “I won’t be able to attend the class today.”

Or in case you happen to be late, it’s ok if you just say: 

  • Greek: Συγγνώμη που άργησα.
  • Romanization: Signómi pu áryisa.
  • Translation: “Sorry for being late.”
  • Greek: Έπρεπε να πάω στον γιατρό.
  • Romanization: Éprepe na páo ston yatró.
  • Translation: “I had to go to the doctor.”
  • Greek: Είχε πολλή κίνηση.
  • Romanization: Íhe polí kínisi.
  • Translation: “There was a lot of traffic.”

Didn’t do your homework? Here’s what you can say: 

  • Greek: Δεν έκανα τις ασκήσεις μου.
  • Romanization: Den ékana tis askísis mu.
  • Translation: “I didn’t do my homework.”
  • Greek: Είχα πολλή δουλειά.
  • Romanization: Íha polí duliá.
  • Translation: “I had too much work (to do).”

5. Talk About Favorite Subjects

Talking about your favorite subjects can be the perfect conversation starter with your classmates. 

  • Greek: Το αγαπημένο μου μάθημα είναι _________.
  • Romanization: To agapiméno mu máthima íne _________ .
  • Translation: “My favorite subject is __________ .” 

In order to use this popular phrase, you need to add your favorite subject. Browse through our School Subject List, pick your favorite, and don’t forget to add the appropriate definite article in front of it.

For example, you may want to say Το αγαπημένο μου μάθημα είναι η γεωγραφία. (To agapiméno mu máthima íne i yeografía.) – “My favorite subject is Geography.”

Here’s another alternative:

  • Greek: Είμαι καλός / καλή στην ιστορία.
  • Romanization: Íme kalós / kalí stin istoría.
  • Translation: “I am good (male/female) at history.”

In this case, if you are male, you should use “καλός,” and if you are female, you should use the corresponding feminine version of the adjective, “καλή”. 

Again, this phrase can be adjusted to any other subject you can think of just by changing the subject at the end.

6. Check for School Supplies

Two Classmates, a Man and a Woman, Studying Together

There will be a few times that you won’t have some of the supplies you need. It just happens. Then, it’s appropriate to use the following phrases:

  • Greek: Μπορώ να δανειστώ το στυλό σου;
  • Romanization: Boró na danistó to stiló su?
  • Translation: “Can I borrow your pen?”
  • Greek: Ξέχασα το βιβλίο μου στο σπίτι.
  • Romanization: Xéhasa to vivlío mu sto spíti.
  • Translation: “I forgot my book at home.”
  • Greek: Έχασα το τετράδιό μου.
  • Romanization: Éhasa to tetrádió mu.
  • Translation: “I lost my notebook.” 

→ Learn more words referring to school supplies by watching our video on YouTube.

7. Conclusion

Successful communication is the ultimate goal of every ambitious language learner. And if this communication is nurtured within the safe environment of a classroom, then:

  • You will quickly pick up more phrases and level up your speaking skills in no time. 
  • You will create a special bond with your teacher and classmates, something that will be your own code of communication. 
  • You will be able to think about many different phrases and subjects that you normally wouldn’t.
  • You will gain the confidence required to speak with native speakers. 

And these were only a few reasons why speaking Greek when attending a Greek lesson is so important. 

In this article, we tried to cover everything you’ll most likely need to say in a classroom. From greeting your teacher to asking questions, we highly recommend that you grab your notebook and write them down for future reference. 

So, what’s the most common thing you say in a classroom?
Do you know any other phrases?

Let’s discuss this in the comments section below!

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