
Vocabulary (Review)

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There's a wide variety of Greek dishes, and your job as a visitor is to try as much food as possible. However, before you start eating, you have to get to the table. In today's lesson, we'll cover getting to a table in a restaurant.
When entering a restaurant in Greece, they will greet you with Καλημέρα (Kaliméra), which means "Good morning"or "Good day," or Καλησπέρα (Kalispéra), which means "Good evening."
In Greece, when entering a restaurant or what would more commonly be known as a ταβέρνα (tavérna) in Greek, one rarely gets seated by the waiter or waitress. The customers often have to find their own table. However, there are occasions where you will be asked the question "How many people are in your party?" So practicing it will come in handy at some point.
"How many people are you?" in Greek is Πόσα άτομα είσαστε; (Pósa átoma ísaste?).
Let's hear it once again, Πόσα άτομα είσαστε; (Pósa átoma ísaste?)
Πόσα άτομα είσαστε; (Pósa átoma ísaste?)
The first word, Πόσα (Posa), means "How many." Let's break down this word and hear it one more time.
Πόσα (Posa)
Άτομα (Átoma) follows this, which in Greek means "people."
Άτομα (Átoma)
Άτομα (Átoma)
Finally, we have είσαστε (ísaste), which in Greek is "are you"
είσαστε (ísaste)
είσαστε (ísaste)
Πόσα άτομα είσαστε; (Pósa átoma ísaste?)
Now let's go over how to answer.
In Greek, you would respond by telling the waiter or waitress Είμαστε τρεις. (Ímaste tris), which in English means "We are three."
Let's break these words down and hear them one more time. I-ma-ste tris.
Είμαστε τρεις. (Ímaste tris)
Now we're going to review some numbers in Greek in case your party happens to be bigger. The numbers one through five are: ένα (éna), δύο (dío), τρία (tría), τέσσερα (tésera), πέντε (pénde).
You could also say "We are four people," which in Greek is Είμαστε τέσσερα άτομα (Ímaste tésera átoma).
Let's break it down by syllable. I-ma-ste te-se-ra a-to-ma.
Now let's hear it once again, Είμαστε τέσσερα άτομα (Ímaste tésera átoma).
The first word, Είμαστε (Ímaste), means "we are." We follow this with τέσσερα άτομα (tésera átoma), which in Greek is "four people."
Τέσσερα άτομα. (Tésera átoma.)
Τέσσερα άτομα. (Tésera átoma.)
If you are just one person, the proper answer to the question is Είμαι μόνος (Íme mónos) if you are a man or Είμαι μόνη (Ime móni) for a woman. In English, they both mean "I am alone."
Let's break down these words and hear them one more time.
Είμαι μόνη (Ime móni), Είμαι μόνος (Íme mónos)
Είμαι μόνη (Ime móni), Είμαι μόνος (Íme mónos)
Είμαι μόνη (Ime móni), Είμαι μόνος (Íme mónos)
The first word είμαι (íme) means "I am."
Let's break down this word and hear it one more time.
είμαι (íme)
είμαι (íme)
The second word μόνη/μόνος (móni/mónos) means "alone." Μόνη (Móni) is the feminine singular form and μόνος (mónos) is the masculine. Let's break down these words and hear them one more time.
Μόνη (Móni)
Μόνη (Móni)
μόνος (mónos)
μόνος (mónos)
Okay, to close out today's lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for shouting it out loud. You'll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so Καλή τύχη (kalí týchi), which means "good luck!" in Greek.
"How many people are you?" - Πόσα άτομα είσαστε; (Pósa átoma ísaste?)
Πόσα άτομα είσαστε; (Pósa átoma ísaste?)
Πόσα άτομα είσαστε; (Pósa átoma ísaste?)
"We are three." - Είμαστε τρεις. (Ímaste tris)
Είμαστε τρεις. (Ímaste tris)
Είμαστε τρεις. (Ímaste tris)
"We are four people." - Είμαστε τέσσερα άτομα (Ímaste tésera átoma)
Είμαστε τέσσερα άτομα (Ímaste tésera átoma)
Είμαστε τέσσερα άτομα (Ímaste tésera átoma)
"Only one" - Είμαι μόνος (Íme mónos) / Είμαι μόνη (Ime móni)
Είμαι μόνος (Íme mónos) / Είμαι μόνη (Ime móni)
Είμαι μόνος (Íme mónos) / Είμαι μόνη (Ime móni)
All right, that's going to do it for today!
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