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Lesson Transcript

Iro:I’m Iro.
Iro: Judith here.
Iro: Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 5; Visiting Sunny Greece.
Iro: Hello everyone. I’m Iro, and welcome to GreekPod101.com.
Iro: With us, you’ll learn to speak Greek with fun and effective lessons.
Iro: We also provide you with cultural insights.
Iro: And tips you won’t find in a text book. In this lesson, you will learn how to strike up a conversation about the weather.
Iro: This conversation takes place at a café in Athens.
Iro: The conversation is between Ellie, Petros and Andrea, a German tourist.
Iro: The speakers are about the same age. Therefore, they will be speaking informal Greek.
Iro: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Πέτρος: Ζέστη, ε;
Αντρέα: Ναι, κάνει πολλή ζέστη… Μου αρέσει η ζέστη. Στη Γερμανία βρέχει τώρα και κάνει κρύο.
Έλλη: Είσαι από τη Γερμανία;
Αντρέα: Ναι, από το Βερολίνο. Με λένε Αντρέα.
Έλλη: Χαίρω πολύ Αντρέα. Εγώ είμαι η Έλλη…
Πέτρος: Και εγώ είμαι ο Πέτρος.
Αντρέα: Χαίρω πολύ. Είστε από την Αθήνα;
Πέτρος: Όχι. Κάνουμε διακοπές εδώ.
Αντρέα: Τι δουλειά κάνετε;
Πέτρος: Εγώ δουλεύω ως δάσκαλος. Η Έλλη σπουδάζει ακόμα.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Πέτρος: Ζέστη, ε;
Αντρέα: Ναι, κάνει πολλή ζέστη… Μου αρέσει η ζέστη. Στη Γερμανία βρέχει τώρα και κάνει κρύο.
Έλλη: Είσαι από τη Γερμανία;
Αντρέα: Ναι, από το Βερολίνο. Με λένε Αντρέα.
Έλλη: Χαίρω πολύ Αντρέα. Εγώ είμαι η Έλλη…
Πέτρος: Και εγώ είμαι ο Πέτρος.
Αντρέα: Χαίρω πολύ. Είστε από την Αθήνα;
Πέτρος: Όχι. Κάνουμε διακοπές εδώ.
Αντρέα: Τι δουλειά κάνετε;
Πέτρος: Εγώ δουλεύω ως δάσκαλος. Η Έλλη σπουδάζει ακόμα.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Πέτρος: Ζέστη, ε;
Judith: Hot, isn't it?
Αντρέα: Ναι, κάνει πολλή ζέστη… Μου αρέσει η ζέστη. Στη Γερμανία βρέχει τώρα και κάνει κρύο.
Judith: Yes, it's very hot... I like the heat. In Germany it's raining now, and it's very cold. [literally, it does cold]
Έλλη: Είσαι από τη Γερμανία;
Judith: Are you from Germany?
Αντρέα: Ναι, από το Βερολίνο. Με λένε Αντρέα.
Judith: Yes, from Berlin. My name is Andrea.
Έλλη: Χαίρω πολύ Αντρέα. Εγώ είμαι η Έλλη…
Judith: Nice to meet you Andrea. I'm Elli…
Πέτρος: Και εγώ είμαι ο Πέτρος.
Judith: And I'm Peter.
Αντρέα: Χαίρω πολύ. Είστε από την Αθήνα;
Judith: Nice to meet you. Are you from Athens?
Πέτρος: Όχι. Κάνουμε διακοπές εδώ.
Judith: No. We're here on vacation. [literally, We do vacation here.]
Αντρέα: Τι δουλειά κάνετε;
Judith: What work do you do?
Πέτρος: Εγώ δουλεύω ως δάσκαλος. Η Έλλη σπουδάζει ακόμα.
Judith: I work as a teacher. Elli is still studying.
Judith: Okay. So this is a lesson about the weather. What is the weather like in Greece?
Iro: Actually the weather in Greece is usually fairly predictable.
Judith: It’s the same weather more or less all year, isn’t it?
Iro: The weather depends on the region of Greece. For example, the weather in Epirus, which is surrounded by high mountains, is characterized by cools summers and snowy winters.
Judith: In the islands, the summers are dry, hot and windy. And winters are mild.
Iro: The hottest month is July. Sometimes the temperature reaches 43 degrees Celsius, 109 degrees Fahrenheit. The coldest are January and February.
Judith: The best period to visit Greece is from April to October, but it depends on how you want to spend your vacation.
Iro: If you want to enjoy night life, the best season is from July 20 to August 25.
Judith: But if you prefer to visit the sites and the museums, the best months are April and September, because it’s less hot and less crowded then.
Judith: Now, let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: The first word we shall see is.
Iro: ζέστη
Judith: Heat.
Iro: ζέστη
Judith: Next.
Iro: κάνω
Judith: To do.
Iro: κάνω
Judith: Next.
Iro: πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
Judith: much.
Iro: πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
Judith: Next.
Iro: αρέσει
Judith: To like.
Iro: αρέσει
Judith: Next.
Iro: Γερμανία
Judith: Germany.
Iro: Γερμανία
Judith: This word is feminine. Next.
Iro: βρέχει
Judith: It rains.
Iro: βρέχει
Judith: Next.
Iro: κρύο
Judith: Cold.
Iro: κρύο
Judith: Next.
Iro: όχι
Judith: No.
Iro: όχι
Judith: Next.
Iro: τι
Judith: What?
Iro: τι
Judith: Next.
Iro: δουλειά
Judith: Work.
Iro: δουλειά
Judith: This word is feminine. Next.
Iro: δουλεύω
Judith: To work.
Iro: δουλεύω
Judith: Next.
Iro: ως
Judith: As.
Iro: ως
Judith: Next.
Iro: δάσκαλος
Judith: Teacher.
Iro: δάσκαλος
Judith: This word is masculine. Next.
Iro: σπουδάζω
Judith: To study.
Iro: σπουδάζω
Judith: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Iro: The first word we’ll look at is ε;
Judith: Isn’t it no, right? This is what we call a question tag, a little word that we add to the end of a sentence in order to get confirmation from the other person. In this dialogue you saw, "Ζέστη, ε;" “it’s hot, no?”
Iro: We’ve already seen "μου" as “my.” However, there is another word in Greek that looks like just the same as "moy," and it means “me.” It is used in sentences like "Ο Πέτρος μού κάνει έναν καφέ".
Judith: Petros is making me a coffee. "στη" is just like "στο" except this is the form used before feminine words like η Γερμανία, “Germany.” The reason for this is that "στο" is actually a contraction of "σε" meaning “to” and "το" meaning “the.” However, you know that there are different words for “the” depending on the word gender. So for feminine words, “to the” is "στη."
Iro: If you’re tired of saying "είμαι" all the time, you can also introduce your name with "με λένε". This is a very common phrase and it’s literally means “they call me.” “Me” "Με" means “me” here and "λένε" is “they call.”
Judith: So "με λένε Judith" is “they call me Judith.”
Judith: The grammar focuses of this lesson are regular verbs of the first conjugation. In this lesson, we’re finally covering regular verbs. Until now, we had only seen parts of the pattern. So let’s take a really common verb and see how it behaves. Let’s take "kano" “to do.” Iro, can you tell us the forms?
Iro: κάν-ω
Judith: “I do” which is also used in place of “to do.”
Iro: κάν-εις
Judith: “You do” to one person.
Iro: κάν-ει
Judith: He does, she does or it does.
Iro: κάν-ουμε
Judith: We do.
Iro: κάν-ετε
Judith: “You do” to several people or to one person if you’re speaking formally.
Iro: κάν-ουν
Judith: They do. Take care to memorize these endings because they appear everywhere.
Iro: Yes. They are really important.
Judith: Maybe we should have another example so that you’ll hear the endings again. How about the verb "δουλεύω" “to work?”
Iro: δουλεύ-ω
Judith: I work.
Iro: δουλεύ-εις
Judith: You work, singular.
Iro: δουλεύ-ει
Judith: He works.
Iro: δουλεύ-ουμε
Judith: We work.
Iro: δουλεύ-ετε
Judith: You work, plural or formal.
Iro: δουλεύ-ουν
Judith: “They work.” Now, keep in mind that in Greek you do not need personal pronouns that is words like “I, you, he, she” or the like.
Iro: We don’t need them because there is no possibility of confusion. The verb form is unambiguous. And if there is any chance of confusion, we can still use personal pronouns, just normally we don’t.
Judith: Also, note that there is no difference between “I work” and “I am working,” “I do” and “I am doing,” “I go” and “I am going.” That is just something English invented to make things harder on foreigners learning the language.


Judith: That just about does it for today.
Iro: Premium members, get all the lessons or just the lessons you want with My Feed.
Judith: My Feed is like a powerful tool that delivers lessons and materials you want right to your computer.
Iro: Choose your level and the lessons you want at GreekPod101.com.
Judith: Once you created a personal profile, you can download all the lessons with a click of a button.
Iro: This is a great way to customize your language learning experience.
Judith: So that you can just focus on mastering Greek.
Iro: Go to GreekPod101.com to set up your customized My Feed today.
Judith:So, see you next week!
Iro:Γεια σας!

