
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Iro: Γεια σας, εγώ είμαι η Ηρώ.
Judith: Judith here. Upper Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 15 – Reminiscing in Greek. Hello and welcome to GreekPod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Greek.
Iro: I’m Iro, and thanks again for being here with us for this Upper Beginner Season 1 lesson.
Judith: In this lesson, you will learn how to relate a childhood story.
Iro: This conversation takes place at a wedding reception.
Judith: The conversation is between Rhea and her girlfriends, who are talking about the bride and groom.
Iro: The speakers are friends therefore they will be speaking informal Greek.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation. Okay, that’s something I have always wondered about actually, how is it with the villages. You know, I always thought that Greece was a country with lots of small towns and villages,village life. Is this the life here?
Κατερίνα: Πόσον καιρό γνωρίζονται ο Στέφανος και η Φωτεινή;
Ελένη: Πολλά χρόνια.
Ρέα: Η Φωτεινή και η Μαρίζα, η αδερφή του Στέφανου, ήταν φίλες. Έπαιζαν μαζί βιολί.
Ναταλία: Α, ναι; Είναι μουσικός;
Ρέα: Όχι, έφευγε συνέχεια από τα μαθήματα και πήγαινε για καφέ. Ούτε στο σχολείο τα πήγαινε καλά. Δε διάβαζε ποτέ, ούτε έγραφε καλά. Ζωγράφιζε όμως πάρα πολύ ωραία.
Ρέα: Κάναμε παρέα παλιά, την έβλεπα πολύ συχνά.
Κατερίνα: Εσείς μένατε στο Ηράκλειο παλιά;
Ρέα: Όχι μέσα στο Ηράκλειο, σε ένα χωριό. Ο πατέρας μου ήταν δάσκαλος εκεί.
Ελένη: Και πώς ήταν η ζωή;
Ρέα: Δύσκολη. Το χειμώνα έβρεχε και έκανε κρύο. Δεν υπήρχε τίποτα να κάνουμε. Από τον Απρίλιο και μετά όμως ήταν πολύ ωραία.
Judith: Now one time slowly.
Κατερίνα: Πόσον καιρό γνωρίζονται ο Στέφανος και η Φωτεινή;
Ελένη: Πολλά χρόνια.
Ρέα: Η Φωτεινή και η Μαρίζα, η αδερφή του Στέφανου, ήταν φίλες. Έπαιζαν μαζί βιολί.
Ναταλία: Α, ναι; Είναι μουσικός;
Ρέα: Όχι, έφευγε συνέχεια από τα μαθήματα και πήγαινε για καφέ. Ούτε στο σχολείο τα πήγαινε καλά. Δε διάβαζε ποτέ, ούτε έγραφε καλά. Ζωγράφιζε όμως πάρα πολύ ωραία.
Ρέα: Κάναμε παρέα παλιά, την έβλεπα πολύ συχνά.
Κατερίνα: Εσείς μένατε στο Ηράκλειο παλιά;
Ρέα: Όχι μέσα στο Ηράκλειο, σε ένα χωριό. Ο πατέρας μου ήταν δάσκαλος εκεί.
Ελένη: Και πώς ήταν η ζωή;
Ρέα: Δύσκολη. Το χειμώνα έβρεχε και έκανε κρύο. Δεν υπήρχε τίποτα να κάνουμε. Από τον Απρίλιο και μετά όμως ήταν πολύ ωραία.
Judith: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Κατερίνα: Πόσον καιρό γνωρίζονται ο Στέφανος και η Φωτεινή;
Katerina: How long have Stefanos and Foteini known each other?
Ελένη: Πολλά χρόνια.
Eleni: Many years.
Ρέα: Η Φωτεινή και η Μαρίζα, η αδερφή του Στέφανου, ήταν φίλες. Έπαιζαν μαζί βιολί.
Rea: Foteini and Mariza, Stefanos's sister, were friends. They played the violin together.
Ναταλία: Α, ναι; Είναι μουσικός;
Natalia: Ah, yes? She's a musician?
Ρέα: Όχι, έφευγε συνέχεια από τα μαθήματα και πήγαινε για καφέ. Ούτε στο σχολείο τα πήγαινε καλά. Δε διάβαζε ποτέ, ούτε έγραφε καλά. Ζωγράφιζε όμως πάρα πολύ ωραία.
Rea: No, she would always leave the lessons and go for coffee. She didn't do well in school either. She never read and didn't write well either. She painted very nicely, though.
Ρέα: Κάναμε παρέα παλιά, την έβλεπα πολύ συχνά.
Rea: We hung out together long ago; I would see her very frequently.
Κατερίνα: Εσείς μένατε στο Ηράκλειο παλιά;
Katerina: You lived in Iraklion long ago?
Ρέα: Όχι μέσα στο Ηράκλειο, σε ένα χωριό. Ο πατέρας μου ήταν δάσκαλος εκεί.
Rea: No in Iraklion, in a village. My father was a teacher there.
Ελένη: Και πώς ήταν η ζωή;
Eleni: And how was life?
Ρέα: Δύσκολη. Το χειμώνα έβρεχε και έκανε κρύο. Δεν υπήρχε τίποτα να κάνουμε. Από τον
Απρίλιο και μετά όμως ήταν πολύ ωραία.
Rea: Difficult. In the winter, it would rain and was cold. There was nothing to do. From April
onward, though, it was very nice.
Iro: Something like that. Half of the population of Greece lives in Athens. There are not many big cities in Greece. In small cities, life is more relaxed. People live in houses with gardens and they grow their own vegetables so they have better food options.
Judith: Children can take part in many activities, such as music, sports and art. However, there are few public services and there are not many options when it comes to health care, cinema and the theatre.
Iro: Nowadays, villages are inhabited by elderly people who have lived there all their lives. Some places in Greece, for example villages or in the mountains or the islands, are isolated and cannot be reached when the weather is bad and may remain detached from the rest of the country for many days. These places have become more livelier again at Easter and during the summer holidays when family visitors and tourist come.
Judith: Thanks you for that insight. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: The first word is...
Iro: Γνωρίζω
Judith: “To recognize” or “know”.
Iro: Γνωρίζω
Judith: Next...
Iro: Γνωρίζομαι
Judith: To know each other.
Iro: Γνωρίζομαι
Judith: Next...
Iro: Βιολί
Judith: Violin.
Iro: Βιολί
Judith: Next...
Iro: Μουσικός
Judith: Musician.
Iro: Μουσικός
Judith: Next...
Iro: Μάθημα
Judith: Lesson.
Iro: Μάθημα
Judith: Next...
Iro: Ούτε
Judith: Neither, nor.
Iro: Ούτε
Judith: Next...
Iro: Ζωγραφίζω
Judith: “To paint” or “draw”.
Iro: Παρέα
Judith: Company.
Iro: Παρέα
Judith: Next...
Iro: Χωριό
Judith: Village.
Iro: Χωριό
Judith: Next...
Iro: Απρίλιος
Judith: April.
Iro: Απρίλιος
Judith: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Iro: The first word we’ll look at is μαθήματα.
Judith: Lessons.
Iro: Is the plural of μάθημα.
Judith: “Lesson”. This is a declension that we haven’t seen yet, but we’ll discuss it in detail at the end of the series.
Iro: Υπήρχε
Judith: There was or existed.
Iro: This is the irregular past tense of υπάρχει.
Judith: There is or exist.
Iro: Actually, it’s only the vowel that changes between υπήρχε and υπάρχει.

Lesson focus

Judith: The focus of this lesson is the imperfect with the syllabic augment. We said that in the past tense, the stress moves one syllable back for most forms.
Iro: For example σπουδάζω changes to σπούδαζα.
Judith: This poses a problem in the case of two similar verbs, whose stress is already on the first syllable.
Iro: A lot of useful verbs fall into this category, for example, βλέπω.
Judith: To see
Iro: Or παίρνω.
Judith: “To take”. So when we use this kind of verb in the past tense, an extra ε is added to the front ao that the word stressed can move back.
Iro: Βλέπω - έβλεπα.
Iro: Παίρνω - έπαιρνα.
Iro: Παίζω - έπαιζα
Iro: Γράφω - έγραφα.
Iro: Βρίσκω - έβρισκα
Judith: It’s very irregular and only happens to two syllable verbs. In rare cases, there can be a η instead of a ε prefix.
Iro: For example, θέλω becomes ήθελα.
Judith: This means “I wanted’. Remember the expression θα ήθελα that you learnt before?
Iro: There is also ξέρω which becomes ήξερα.


Judith: “I knew”. Almost all verbs get an ε prefix. That just about does it for today.
Iro: Listeners, can you understand Greek TV shows, movies or songs?
Judith: How about friends and loved one? Conversations in Greek?
Iro: If you want to know what’s going on we have the tool to help.
Judith: Line by line audio.
Iro: Listen to the lesson conversation line by line and learn to understand natural Greek fast.
Judith: It’s simple really…
Iro: With the click of a button, listen to each line of the conversation.
Judith: Play it back again and again and tune your ear to natural Greek.
Iro: Rapidly understand natural Greek, this powerful tool.
Judith: Find this feature on the lesson page under Premium Member Resources under GreekPod101.com. Okay, see you next time.
Iro: Γεια σας.

