
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Greek Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 20 - Arriving Home.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Chrissi: And I'm Chrissi.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Greek about returning home after a trip. Δήμητρα (Dímitra) returns home after a vacation, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Chrissi: Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου. (Spíti mu, spitáki mu.)
Eric: Meaning - "Home, sweet home." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Δήμητρα: Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου. (Spíti mu, spitáki mu.)
(clicking sound)
Αγγελική: Ελπίζω να μου έφερες τα σουβενίρ που σου ζήτησα! (Elpízo na mu éferes ta suvenír pu su zítisa!)
Γεωργία: Καλώς ήρθατε στη ζούγκλα! (Kalós írthate sti zúngla!)
Διονύσης: Περάσατε καλά; (Perásate kalá?)
Μιχάλης: Και τώρα τα κεφάλια μέσα! (Ke tóra ta kefália mésa!)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Δήμητρα: Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου. (Spíti mu, spitáki mu.)
Eric: "Home, sweet home."
(clicking sound)
Αγγελική: Ελπίζω να μου έφερες τα σουβενίρ που σου ζήτησα! (Elpízo na mu éferes ta suvenír pu su zítisa!)
Eric: "I hope you brought me the souvenirs I asked for!"
Γεωργία: Καλώς ήρθατε στη ζούγκλα! (Kalós írthate sti zúngla!)
Eric: "Welcome to the jungle!"
Διονύσης: Περάσατε καλά; (Perásate kalá?)
Eric: "Did you have a good time?"
Μιχάλης: Και τώρα τα κεφάλια μέσα! (Ke tóra ta kefália mésa!)
Eric: "And now the party's over!"
Eric: Listen again to Δήμητρα (Dímitra)'s post.
Chrissi: Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου. (Spíti mu, spitáki mu.)
Eric: "Home, sweet home."
Chrissi: (SLOW) Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου. (Spíti mu, spitáki mu.) (Regular) Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου. (Spíti mu, spitáki mu.)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "my home."
Chrissi: σπίτι μου (spíti mu)
Eric: In Greek, this first word can mean either "house" or "home." So you can use this word even if you live in an apartment, which is where most Greeks live. Listen again- "my home" is...
Chrissi: (SLOW) σπίτι μου (spíti mu) (REGULAR) σπίτι μου (spíti mu)
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "my sweet home."
Chrissi: σπιτάκι μου (spitáki mu) Σπιτάκι is a diminutive of the noun σπίτι, meaning "house" or "home."
Eric: Greeks use diminutives very often, not only to refer to things that are smaller than normal, but to refer to something with particular affection, such as someone's sweet home! Listen again- "my sweet home" is...
Chrissi: (SLOW) σπιτάκι μου (spitáki mu) (REGULAR) σπιτάκι μου (spitáki mu)
Eric: All together, "Home, sweet home."
Chrissi: Σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου. (Spíti mu, spitáki mu.)
Eric: In response, Δήμητρα (Dímitra)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her neighbor, Αγγελική (Angelikí), uses an expression meaning - "I hope you brought me the souvenirs I asked for!"
Chrissi: (SLOW) Ελπίζω να μου έφερες τα σουβενίρ που σου ζήτησα! (Elpízo na mu éferes ta suvenír pu su zítisa!) (REGULAR) Ελπίζω να μου έφερες τα σουβενίρ που σου ζήτησα! (Elpízo na mu éferes ta suvenír pu su zítisa!)
Chrissi: Ελπίζω να μου έφερες τα σουβενίρ που σου ζήτησα! (Elpízo na mu éferes ta suvenír pu su zítisa!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you're feeling frivolous.
Eric: Her high school friend, Γεωργία (Yeoryía), uses an expression meaning - "Welcome to the jungle!"
Chrissi: (SLOW) Καλώς ήρθατε στη ζούγκλα! (Kalós írthate sti zúngla!) (REGULAR) Καλώς ήρθατε στη ζούγκλα! (Kalós írthate sti zúngla!)
Chrissi: Καλώς ήρθατε στη ζούγκλα! (Kalós írthate sti zúngla!)
Eric: Use this expression to be funny.
Eric: Her supervisor, Διονύσης (Dionísis), uses an expression meaning - "Did you have a good time?"
Chrissi: (SLOW) Περάσατε καλά; (Perásate kalá?) (REGULAR) Περάσατε καλά; (Perásate kalá?)
Chrissi: Περάσατε καλά; (Perásate kalá?)
Eric: Use this expression to be old fashioned.
Eric: Her college friend, Μιχάλης (Mihális), uses an expression meaning - "And now the party's over!"
Chrissi: (SLOW) Και τώρα τα κεφάλια μέσα! (Ke tóra ta kefália mésa!) (REGULAR) Και τώρα τα κεφάλια μέσα! (Ke tóra ta kefália mésa!)
Chrissi: Και τώρα τα κεφάλια μέσα! (Ke tóra ta kefália mésa!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you're feeling silly.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about returning home after a trip, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Chrissi: Γεια χαρά! (Ya hará!)

