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Lesson Transcript

Iro:I’m Iro.
Judith: I’m Judith here, Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 3, Getting a Greek Phone Number. Hello and welcome to GreekPod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Greek.
Iro: I'm Iro and thanks again for being here with us for this Absolute Beginner Season 2 Lesson.
Judith: In this lesson, you will learn how to exchange phone numbers with someone.
Iro: This conversation takes place on a street in Athens.
Judith: The conversation is between Eli, Petros and Stella, who is Petros former girlfriend.
Iro: The speakers are young adults, therefore, they will be speaking informal Greek.
Judith: Let's listen to the conversation.
Στέλλα: Περίμενε! Αυτό είναι το τηλέφωνό μου - 2107704638.
Πέτρος: Εντάξει.
Στέλλα: Και το κινητό μου είναι 6932555910.
Πέτρος: Ωραία.
Στέλλα: Είναι εύκολο. 6932, τρεις φορές το 5, 910.
Πέτρος: Ευχαριστώ.
Στέλλα: Ποιο είναι το τηλέφωνό σου;
Πέτρος: Δεν το θυμάμαι, λυπάμαι!
Έλλη: Πάμε.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Στέλλα: Περίμενε! Αυτό είναι το τηλέφωνό μου - 2107704638.
Πέτρος: Εντάξει.
Στέλλα: Και το κινητό μου είναι 6932555910.
Πέτρος: Ωραία.
Στέλλα: Είναι εύκολο. 6932, τρεις φορές το 5, 910.
Πέτρος: Ευχαριστώ.
Στέλλα: Ποιο είναι το τηλέφωνό σου;
Πέτρος: Δεν το θυμάμαι, λυπάμαι!
Έλλη: Πάμε.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Στέλλα: Περίμενε! Αυτό είναι το τηλέφωνό μου - 2107704638.
Judith: Wait! This is my phone [number]—107704638.
Πέτρος: Εντάξει.
Judith: Okay.
Στέλλα: Και το κινητό μου είναι 6932555910.
Judith: And my cell phone [number] is 6932555910.
Πέτρος: Ωραία.
Judith: Great.
Στέλλα: Είναι εύκολο. 6932, τρεις φορές το 5, 910.
Judith: It's easy. 6932, 5 three times, 910.
Πέτρος: Ευχαριστώ.
Judith: Thanks.
Στέλλα: Ποιο είναι το τηλέφωνό σου;
Judith: What's your phone number?
Πέτρος: Δεν το θυμάμαι, λυπάμαι!
Judith: I don't remember it, I'm sorry!
Έλλη: Πάμε.
Judith: Let's go.
Judith: Okay. For cultural point, how about we talk about Greek phone numbers. For example, what is the phone code for Greece?
Iro: For Greece, the telephone code is 0030.
Judith: And for Athens?
Iro: For Athens, it is 210 or 211. You always have to dial that code when you want to call someone in Athens even if you are in Athens as well. All telephone numbers for Athens have seven digits.
Judith: How about cell phones, can I recognize a cell phone number?
Iro: Yes, of course. When you see the numbers 69 at the beginning, then you should be sure that this is a mobile phone number.
Judith: Can you maybe tell some useful numbers that people should program into their cell phone before going to Greece?
Iro: Yes, of course, 112 is the Emergency Number.
Judith: That was actually the same as in Germany.
Iro: Really?
Judith: I think it's the same across Europe.
Iro: 166, Ambulance.
Judith: The ambulance, very important, 166.
Iro: 199, Firefighters.
Judith: And I heard that there's a special number for tourists. Dialing 171 will get you the tourist police.
Iro: Yes, exactly. 171 is for tourist police. The tourist police are especially trained policemen who speaks several languages who will help you if you lose your way, if your cab driver charges too much, if a vendor is trying to cheat you or similar issues, they do not generally arrest people.
Judith: So you can trust them to help you.
Judith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is…
Iro: περίμενε
Judith: Wait.
Iro: περίμενε
Judith: This is wait, as in a request. Next.
Iro: τηλέφωνο
Judith: Telephone.
Iro: τηλέφωνο
Judith: Next.
Iro: Και
Judith: And.
Iro: Και
Judith: Next.
Iro: κινητό
Judith: Cell phone.
Iro: κινητό
Judith: Next.
Iro: εύκολος
Judith: Easy.
Iro: εύκολος
Judith: Next.
Iro: φορά
Judith: Time.
Iro: φορά
Judith: Next.
Iro: ποιο
Judith: Which or what.
Iro: ποιο
Judith: Next.
Iro: σου
Judith: Your, singular.
Iro: σου
Judith: Next.
Iro: θυμάμαι
Judith: To remember.
Iro: θυμάμαι
Judith: Next.
Iro: λυπάμαι
Judith: To be sorry.
Iro: λυπάμαι
Iro: The first word we'll look at is "το".
Judith: The. In previous lessons, we learned that the Greek word for “the” is "η. But that's only true for feminine words. For neuter words, the article is "το." We will get back to this in the next lesson. There's a similar change for the word “this” when referring to a woman or a feminine word “this” is "αυτή." The equivalent for neuter words is "αυτό," as in "αυτό το τηλέφωνο", this telephone.
Iro: "φορές"
Judith: Times.
Iro: Is the plural of "φορά", time. "τρεις φορές"
Judith: Three times.
Judith: The focus of this lesson are numbers. Knowing the Greek numbers will be extremely useful for you no matter if you're exchanging phone numbers, eating out…
Iro: Or bargaining, you have to know the numbers in order to bargain.
Judith: So in this lesson, we will start by learning the numbers from zero to nine. Judith, can you teach us?
Iro: μηδέν
Judith: Zero.
Iro: ένα
Judith: One.
Iro: δύο
Judith: Two.
Iro: τρία
Judith: Three.
Iro: τέσσερα
Judith: Four.
Iro: πέντε
Judith: Five.
Iro: έξι
Judith: Six.
Iro: επτά
Judith: Seven and some also say εφτά.
Iro: οκτώ
Judith: Eight and some say οχτώ.
Iro: And εννέα.
Judith: Nine.
Iro: Also pronounced εννιά.
Judith: Now, can you count for us in Greek?
Iro: counts from 0 to 9


Judith: Review these numbers in the lesson notes PDF, then practice saying your phone number and cell phone number in Greek. That just about does it for today.
Iro: Listeners, if you have any Greek language or lesson related questions?
Judith: Or maybe you have some feedback for us? Leave us a comment or ask a question on the lessons page.
Iro: It's super simple, go to GreekPod1001.com.
Judith: Click on comments.
Iro: Enter your comments and name.
Judith: And that's it.
Iro: Commenting is a great way to practice writing and reading in Greek.
Judith: It helps you learn faster.
Iro: And it helps us get better through your feedback.
Judith: No excuses.
Iro: Go to GreekPod101.com and comment now.
Judith:Okay, see you next time!
Iro:Γεια σας!
Sample Sentences

